In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., students and faculty participated in a day of service by packaging meals for families in need on Monday, January 20.
For the third consecutive year, Tilton collaborated with Meals of Hope, a nonprofit organization that fights food insecurity in the United States. Meals of Hope provided ingredients and packaging materials, while student and faculty volunteers assembled the meals. Alums Ed Purcell ’76 and Lori Baldwin ’89 were generous sponsors for this initiative in a show of support for Tilton students and faculty as well as the ideals of community service and giving back.
“A lot of the students and I love to do it because we know it helps our community,” says Colleen ’25, a member of the Black Student Union (BSU) at Tilton.
The entire school gathered in the dining hall, where advisory groups paired together to form an assembly line. They started by putting the ingredients into bags, then moved down the line to weigh and seal the bags before packing them into boxes.
“MLK also fought for human rights, and eating is a human right,” says Jennalee ’25, another member of the BSU.
In two hours, students and faculty packaged over 22,000 meals. This activity supports Dr. King’s fight for human rights, reinforcing the belief that all people deserve access to food and basic necessities.
Two days later, advisories convened at lunch to reflect on the experience and learn more about food insecurity. Each advisory engaged in meaningful discussions on how food insecurity and hunger affect people’s lives, as well as the impact of their contribution.
The whole Tilton community united around one shared goal: package as many meals as possible in honor of Dr. King. They accomplished this goal before the event even concluded, running out of food to package before the time was up!
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